Title of Book: Beyond the SCAR
Author: Pst Esther Adekoya (08027150529).
Publishing House: Nile Ventures
Price: 1200:00
Genre: Prose Fiction
Chapters :10
Pages: 201
Reviewer: Adm. Uche Henry; ACIA, (08032741427).
Date of Publication:
BEYOND the SCAR is a stretch of the storyline of the previous novel; the SCAR, penned down by the same author to prefer resolutions to the crises which started from the Scar. Here more characters are introduced that made the plot of the story intricate.
A significant character is Francis Ndibo, who epitomizes today’s abusers and paedophilia in our society. A paedophile is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Anyone who abuse minors using a diverse tricks and duplicitous offerings to exploit them is a paedophile. The likes of Francis are ubiquitous in our society who takes undue advantage of other people’s ignorance, carelessness, naiveness and youthful exuberance. The reasons for these ills are not far fetched~ most parents have failed abysmally in their duty posts, and the resultant effects are broken home as evident in Mrs. martins’.
Beyond the Scar is an in depth exposition of some people who were once wounded emotionally and otherwise most often by people who they trusted and expected the least hurt from. The book X-rays how many nurse deep seated pains and grieve in their heart even after the physical wounds and scars are erased. The novel also exposed how so many people find it difficult to let go of old hurts instead groan and hurt themselves in depression.
Typical social vices happening in our institutions of higher learning today is displayed by Valetta’s decision to tread on the other path of life that appears glaring; despite warnings from her mother and friend Helen, she enmeshed herself in extra curriculum activities which took place in Valentin Day, been her birthdate anniversary, but that left her with untold regrets.
The three lead characters: Sharon, Valetta, the successful banker and Adedayo Martins were terribly hurt by one another. Other minor characters like Mama Dayo, and Tinuade were also wounded as well.
The excerpt below is a bitter expression of the soul; from mother to son.
“You are a completely useless and worthless child. I regret giving birth to you…
Get out of my house and out of our lives, your presence brings shame and continous bitterness to me…
I say, leave my house… I don’t want you again as my son!
These and more leaves children to precarious state in the society. An excerpt below shows Dayo’s agony.
“stop Pestering my life, I don’t know you and I don’t want to know who you are…your son died many years ago, so I don’t know you, Leave me alone…i can’t see beyond the Scar, all I see is pains, hurt, my bitter past, my present predicaments, blurred and hopeless future, helplessness, lost chance…”
It’s not unlikely that most youths especially ladies who indulge in enormous dirty acts do so out of frustration and depression which must have been caused by their mothers from the outset. The case of Sharon and Dayo are points of reference. Though Dayo’s pre and post university lifestyle instigated his mother’s fury, howbeit; mama Dayo aggravated her son’s frustration coupled with the fact that he is rusticated from the university. Indeed, afflictions makes a man mad! Out of the abundant of the heart, the month speaks.
The common practice of ‘hit and run’ by men on their women and the intake of aborticides by ladies is who are either victims of rape or consented sexual acts is mirrored in this book as Was The case of Tinuade.
Addendum to these ills is the unfortunate irresponsible acts of some men as displayed by Baba Dayo which worsen the plight of Mrs Martins and children.
Be that as it may, there is always a balm for every wounded soul, and anyone can be instrumental and channel through which divinity restores Health to other people’s suppurating bodies. Mrs Adele and Tade Craig are typical examples.
In our society today, so many people has scars of diverse magnitude and have refused to be comforted like the biblical Reachal. A pathetic example is our LORD JESUS CHRIST who is the highest bearer of SCARS, but we were told that, for the Joy that was set before him, He endured the Cross/Scar. One thing is sure; if we let GOD, He has the perfect Balm for every wounded soul, as we see how a lame man got instant healing at the breaking news of his Wife’s pregnancy and lots more~all because they all let go!
The letters in this book are weaved for everyone to get relief from wounds as well help those in despair as the Holy Logos charged us. We must not be ignorant of the abundant grace available for us while we bear our different crosses in Life.
I thus recommend this book to every household to savour with passion and apply the lessons in our daily lives.

AUTHOR: Pst. Esther Adekoya (+2348027150529).
N0 OF PAGES : 320
PRICE :2000
REVIEWER: Adm. Uche Henry; Acia. (+2348032741427)
One of the cogent concepts in literature is what the author of this work; PRECARIOUS FATE, raises up for debate. A question is often asked amongst most literary scholars that ‘to what extent can a piece of fiction match up with certain characters in the real world? The answers can be varied and interesting, just as this piece of writing is. For instance, whenever the notion of Fate is raised in relation to an individual’s continuous underachievement, persistent illness, repeated accidents, or unfortunate circumstances, the common and quick deductions that people around would make is that, the individual is jinxed, bewitched, or hexed by elemental Forces in the heavenlies. But the author of this novel argued to the contrary. Rather than seeing Fate as a hapless or helpless end, we are encouraged to see Fate as a dot that each individual needs to connect with other dots in the journey of life. Any one who painstakingly takes the pains to follow the plot of this work, may conclude that life is in phases; and that a stage in life may be fated while other phases are without blemish.
In Precarious Fate, we are presented with a lead character who is also truly a round character. The author deserve a kudos for this artful endeavor because it’s not so common in contemporary Nigeria’s novel to have authors make their lead role players lead a round life. Funke, the lead character started her role in the story from the state of embryo, a time when she has no idea where she was or ideas where about her nativity. Again, one would commend the novelist for bringing up the concept of nascency into literature. This is a situation in which an unborn child, an embryo is made to play a role in literature.
It’s indeed a sad story of a lady who hated Life, curse the day she was born like the biblical Job did and never believe there’s GOD, talk more of loving her due to all the unprecedented anguish she experienced in life time.
The Precarious Fate as the title of the book reminds me of two audio messages I listened seven years ago, authored by the General Superintendent of Assemblies of GOD church, Nigeria; Rev. Dr Chidi Okoroafor (The Ugly Yesterday and University of Tears). These two Gospel messages from Chidi and the precarious Fate From Esther Adekoya, exposed the inevitability of a ‘Bearing Cross’ by everyone living under the sun.
Today, there are people who are presently passing through untold and excruciating pains, some have already passed out of the universities of tears while others are yet to experience theirs. Experiencing some inexplicable sorrows is part of encounters programmed and Lined up by GOD especially for all believers of Christ who wants to make Heaven at last; just as He bore His.
NB: Bearing Cross/es differs from person to person. Jabaz, Naomi, Rachel, Hannah, Joseph, John the Baptist etc are significant case studies in the Holy logos who bore different agonies in their life time but were comforted at last. For Funke James, hers is better imagined than experienced. Her story can be likened to that of a man child in the Holy scripture who was born blind from the womb, yet have no choice on the condition of his birth but to accept his Fate. In Funke’s case, we understand that there is power in thought and spoken words, however; It can be deduced that Seyi~ Funke’s mother unguidedly transferred aggression and bitterness to her unborn child due to the calamity that befell her while she bore Funke in her womb.
Funke grew up with the belief that her mother’s transferred anger was the cause of her (Funke) ill fate, but ironically, modern studies have shown that what happened to the parents in the past ought not to have any negative effects on the children (if we know the scriptures). If we know this, it is rather unfortunately for Funke who nursed such belief that made her conclude she was born to suffer in life even to the point of attempting suicide in three occasions but ‘Mercy said NO’! This is the case of so many people today in our society. No doubt! Howbeit; in the mist of any precarious state, there’s a voice of Mercy crying for anyone who is on divine agenda of GOD from the Sanctum Sanctorum. some of the excerpts below showcases Funke’s philosophy about life:
‘The features of the day are light & brightness
The dawn causes the lingering darkness to ebb
The day rises and bursts into Joy and laughter
Funke’s Life is featured with Mist and Sadness
The gloom gets darker by the second
A life in which no Joy or laughter is attached
What a life! What a bitter existence!
She lamented thus;
Conception is a sign of fruitfulness
Delivery brings joy and fulfilment
Funke’s birth is rather unfortunate
A child born with a difference stroke
A Precarious existence and bitter Life.
In another agonizing situation she wrote
My mother conceived me with uncertainty
Carried my pregnancy with contempt
Welcome my birth with agony
Raise me up with hatred
Sowed discord and bitterness in Me
What kind of future awaits me.
Yet in another pain, she Penned down
Rejected, neglected and ejected
These are words familiar and real to me
It’s becoming the circle of my life
How many more encounters will I have
Who will break this circle and deliver me? She wept.
She wailed again saying:
Solace is removed
Succor is gone
Safety is no more
Where is life leading me? She asks rhetorically.
And finally, she penciled thus;
It stings like bees. Roars like the ocean
It Rages like the storms, fights like the whirlwind
It erupt like the volcano, destroys Like the tornado
Flames and burns like fire
I can no longer contain with this bitterness.
All these are evidences of depression because she was abused, misused, and reduced to nothing. According to the wisest king that ever lived; Solomon, he says “Afflictions makes a wise man Mad! For Funke, all she wished and acted was out of accumulated depression. Should we blame her for her actions? find out from the book.
Be that as it is, a salient point to ponder is that; no matter how dark and ugly the experience may be, there is always a silent voice of God reminding us of His Presence. An excerpt below was a voice of a Blessed Assurance for Funke’s future:
“No matter how dark the night is, it must sooner give me way to the morning. Wait for your morning Funke. It will surely come!!!”
To buttress the above position, God always bring men and women alike on our ways to bring succor and solace to remind is that He is still in charge and control of everything that happens under the sun. In her journey of life, her paths crossed with Dr David Godson, Chioma, Bose Toyebi, Esthers and Mr George among others as GODsent.
The book is a wake up call to all and sundry to understand that so many people are walking on the road with different kinds of emotions, thoughts and ready to do anything to end their sorrows no matter whose ox is gored.
The book reminds us of the unrelenting spirit and schemes of the devil against GOD’S People. This was typified by the daredevil ~ Dauda, whom the devil used to implicated Funke in the exam hall that led to her expulsion from the University.
In our society today, so many people who think they are somewhat comfortable with their mundane wealth takes undue advantage of the less privileged; quite unfortunately~ this was demonstrated by another hotheaded character ~ Samson who took undue advantage of Funke’s predicaments by putting her in a family way. Conversely; we were reminded that good people & humane gestures still exist as exemplified by George, Iyinloye, and the aforementioned characters.
Precarious Fate exposes how so many people in our society put themselves in depression by their intentions and expectations from Life. This was demonstrated by Bose who expects Dr David to marry her in the long run after offering Funke her professional services owing to their collegiate relationship, but got disappointed and near depressed as Dr David disappointed her.
While the lead character was going through all these ordeal, God used her to meet some other people’s expectations ironically; for instance, she casually wish and prayed for Bimbo to get married to Bode, and so it was in a very short time. You will see others examples in the book.
According to the author, this book gave birth to ‘Heartrose Foundation’, she founded in Lagos; a place where shattered hearts, wounded hearts, bitter hearts, lonely hearts and depressed hearts like Funke’s are mended and succoured, hence; if anger, anxiety, bitterness and the likes, are not checked on time may lead to depression, that was Funke’s case, but her later days made one believe that God watches over the rejected and dejected ones~ for the stone which the builders refused later become the Chief cornerstone. Funke’s episode shows that there a turning Point in everyone’s life.
I must confess without contradiction that this is one of the very best books I have read. I need not to overemphasize it but charge you to pick up a copy and savour. I am cocksure this book will change so many thoughts, ideology, philosophy and narratives about people and life in general.
The lessons drawn from this book is priceless, it is a BOOK that can disarm a warrior, break a stony heart and make feeble cum sorrowful ones strong; at last the council of GOD Stands! The literary devices employed in this masterpiece are well placed, the Plot and characters are thoughtfully stretched, and chosen respectively and the ideas are conspicuously defined and communicated. I therefore recommend this book to every individual in this planet earth to read and learn. So many words left unsaid; so I charge you to Pick up this salubrious Words of wisdom and find out what makes it tick.
Are you depressed? THIS TOO SHALL PASS!